V Rising is a game that requires little introduction. Originally released as an early access title back in 2022, its balanced mix of action role-playing games and survival mechanics made it an instant hit and a game that fans of both genres would like. The game is now out of early access and while the full release does not change the core experience to a large degree, there is a lot of new content and quality of life changes that will make the experience better for everyone. New players will not have an issue getting into the game, as progress was wiped and all players are not starting fresh, and the full release comes with excellent tutorials that will help players understand the game.

V Rising does have a significant change in the full release, with new difficulty options in the form of Relaxed, Standard, and Brutal. Relaxed will be great for those new to the genre and who do not want to be overwhelmed, while Standard is the game as intended. On the other hand, Brutal is there for those players were there from the start and will give a tougher challenge with evolved enemies.

V Rising is an action RPG survival game where you play as a vampire awakened after centuries of slumber who must rebuild their stronghold, hunt for blood and fight against creatures, other vampires and more. There is a story, but it does not develop much during the game, though there is a great deal of lore presented in the background that you can find and is rather neat. The thing is, though, the game does not need a deep story to keep players happy, as the Diablo style action RPG elements will give players much to enjoy even if they do not like the survival mechanics.

Crafting and survival are important here, as V Rising does not feature traditional experience points levelling, instead your vampire’s level is based on the gear they have equipped. If the crafting is not done properly, you will not be able to progress and take on more powerful enemies. Fighting enemies also gives another way to get more powerful, as certain enemies carry V-Blood that will give access to different powers and spell points to unlock new spells.

The combat is varied in V Rising and offers a wide range of weapons and attacks, along with spells to use defensively and offensively. It feels balanced and easy to learn, so you will not feel overwhelmed at first, especially when you gain new perks thanks to the Blood Type mechanics that sees the blood of different enemies give different perks. These perks can vastly improve the gameplay, but are not permanent, and relying on them too much can lead to issues.

V Rising has an excellent PVP and online co-op experience, and some of the best aspects of the game feel like you are playing an MMO, especially given that up to forty players can play together at a time and work together. It is not always perfect as some players can get in your way, and the PVP modes are truly intense. The PVP modes will see you invade other vampire’s castles, steal their items and destroy everything you can. When playing just as a solo player, this aspect of the game is missed, and so it is worth trying out the online modes.

V Rising also has some great crossover content, such as adding music, cosmetics, and characters from Castlevania. The full pack will let you dress as Alucard and shape-shift into his familiars, while creating a castle that calls back to the Konami series. The main crossover will also let you fight Simon Belmont for a powerful unlock, and this is a truly inspired use of the Castlevania franchise.

It also must be mentioned that the full release has added controller support, but it does take a bit of time to get used to. It is not bad, but the controls do feel slightly weird because of having to adapt so many actions. Still, once you get used to it, you will be able to play just fine so it ultimately works out well.

V Rising is an interesting game and is one of the better survival-crafting action RPGs. While not the best if playing in single player, it really does feel like a masterpiece when playing online. The excellent visuals, amazing music and inspired RPG elements all combine to create a memorable experience and one that you will want to keep playing for a long time. V Rising is recommended.

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from https://www.keymailer.co


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