KEMCO has released many RPGs over the years and while many can feel like Paint by Numbers experiences and very generic, there are times when a truly great RPG is released by the company that stands out. Raging Bytes is that kind of game and while it may not be an instant classic, it is miles ahead of many other indie RPGs, both in ideas and mechanics.  What we have here is a classic-style 2D pixel-art RPG, which focuses on survivors trying to survive hordes of zombies.

Raging Bytes requires you to explore to find resources and tools and fight zombies to get additional goods and EXP to make your team stronger.  Each fight has a risk though, because one wrong move can be a move that means your teammate will not return from the battle.  The survival horror aspect is another thing that helps the game break the mould of the usual KEMCO niche.

The RPG side of the game is handled very well for the most part, with an overworld to explore and all zombie enemies are visible immediately. You can choose to go after zombies one by one, in groups or even avoid them and there are special zombies that you can fight for great rewards, EXP, and even some bits of lore. You can also just explore a bit to find and investigate things, and you never know what may show up.

The story in Raging Bytes is interesting as well. It is 1978, and following a successful mission to the moon, the astronauts have become the centre of a viral outbreak that has consumed the nation within weeks, turning people into horrific zombies. The main story begins when Ben, a police officer, wakes up in an abandoned and learns what happens as he meets fellow survivors. The goal then becomes for Ben to find his daughter and for the others to get to their loved ones as well.

Raging Bytes has a lot of risk vs reward mechanics, since this is not a game you can just rush into thinking you can take down all the enemies. These zombies are super aggressive and thanks to the nature of a turn-based RPG, even the weakest zombies can be a serious threat to you. Strategy is required to get anything done in the game, and you must balance your resources properly.

If a zombie gets in one good hit, a character can be taken down and you will need to use a large number of your resources to save them. Fighting zombies individually up close also has a risk as the knockback and heavy damage are vastly increased. In other words, you cannot treat this as a standard RPG with typical level grinding, and trying to play that way will get you killed fast.

To say this game is challenging is an understatement. Getting bit by a zombie means there is nothing you can do for a character but try and last as long as you can. This is a game that actually manages to capture the horror feeling of a zombie apocalypse while incorporating RPG mechanics in a way that keeps the story logical. This is definitely not a traditional RPG, but the new ideas it uses do put a different spin on things.

Does it all work? Well, yes, but it will cause you frustration as you play. The sheer brutality of the game, along with the inventive RPG elements make this a game hardcore fans of older RPGs will like, while those who are fans of the classic Famicom game Sweet Home may also find something to like here. This is also one of the best uses of Zombies in a video game in a long time and the experience actually feels different.

Raging Bytes may not have the best story, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. This is one that is easy to recommend for enthusiasts and horror fans because they will enjoy the sheer challenge that the game brings to the table. For those wanting a lighter experience though, this may not be the game for you.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided


The game can be found on the following storefronts:

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