Warm Snow is a game that instantly grabs attention. A roguelike hack n slash game with a setting of Imperial Chinese as a backdrop, this is a fast-paced game that requires you to act quickly and think fast on your feet. The smallest attack can make the biggest difference but death can come very quickly.

Warm Snow gives you a main attack, as well as a special attack that varies, depending on the abilities you pick up, as well as the ability to throw blades at your enemies from a distance. This last one is very important, as using it can be the best chance you have to deal massive damage to an opponent, but there is a risk involved. Once your blades have been thrown, you will need to pick them back up before you can use them again, which can cause some tricky situations, but when able to recall them back to you, will do further damage to enemies if timed right.

As with all roguelikes, death is not the end, because each run of Warm Snow will give you a reward of some kind, in addition to the upgrade tree that will give permanent boosts and see you constantly get stronger. There is no beating around the bush, as the first few runs you will attempt will end quickly, but each time you play, you will get a bit stronger.  This all leads to an extremely satisfying growth in power, and you will really feel like you have earned the right to get stronger each time you play.

It also has to be said that Warm Snow is a gorgeous game as well, with beautifully animated cutscenes and a very distinct art style.  Every area in the game is full of detail and the environment has so much you can interact with, from objects to destroy or animals to cut through. However, be aware that this is a gory game and blood is a very common sight here, and nothing is held back.

Another thing that is great about Warm Snow is that no two runs ever really feel the same and there are a few reasons for this. The huge range of weapons, modifiers and abilities will affect the gameplay for one, and what posed a challenge before is now a chance to try new techniques.  You can change your loadout at the start of a run as well,  and try something like losing control of your flying blades in favour of more damage from melee attacks, or you can find new abilities that will change the way you play completely.

This is not all though, as the environments may be different as well. You may find a different route and different bosses, or you may find the areas that look familiar at first, may progress differently now. There is so much variety here and the game never feels stale.

In many ways, Warm Snow is a Chinese take on Hades, and I say that as a compliment. It is ultimately a different game, but the same spark is there. You will die over and over again but want to keep going and that is the best thing a roguelike can achieve.

You will soon find many strategies work for you and as more options get unlocked, including more load-outs, you will find there is a pull to the game that makes you want to keep going, and a story that has your interest. The mechanics are shockingly easy to learn, and the enemy variety keeps things interesting. While the aforementioned gore may be off-putting to some, it actually fits with both the art and the narrative as well, and when combined with the difficulty and addictive nature, everything combines to create a unique experience.

Warm Snow gets a high recommendation and you will have no trouble having fun with this one. If you like roguelikes or action games, definitely check this out.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided

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