One of the best games in the Fallout series is Fallout: New Vegas, a game released between Fallout 3 and 4. The title is notably different from other 3D Fallout games, as it was made by Obsidian Entertainment, instead of Bethesda Game Studio. Many fans feel the game is the most true to the classic series while retaining what fans do like about the Bethesda era, and many want to see more of this. As it turns out, we almost had another Obsidian take on a Bethesda franchise, but it was not to be.

Former Obsidian Entertainment writer and developer Chris Avellone revealed on Twitter/X that a proposal was made to Bethesda for a spinoff of The Elder Scrolls game in the style of Fallout: New Vegas. The idea was that this would “provide more adventures in the setting during the years before the next Bethesda release”, but did not gain much traction. A key reason was noted as being the feeling that Bethesda wasn’t happy with Fallout: New Vegas’ reception, due to the game’s poor technical performance at launch.

According to Avellone, the idea was to do what Call of Duty does and in his own words:

“I thought it couldn’t hurt to try and push a similar system to what Treyarch/Activision had going with Call of Duty at the time (but hopefully less rushed). Bethesda could do a core release, then we’d release a  title (in same world or a divergent timeline/era) before the next big push. Probably less relevant now that Elder Scrolls Online is going, but at the time, it seemed to be something that could benefit both studios.”

Avellone then noted that Obsidian had concepts in mind, including one set in Skyrim, which would no doubt have affected the game that was The Elder Scrolls V. One idea was described as follows

“If Bethesda didn’t want us messing with their core world, one was a spinoff where you adventured in an alternate world the last hero had failed to save in the last round of Elder Scroll titles”

Of course, it is important to note that both Bethesda and Obsidian are now owned by Microsoft, and Obsidian is now working on Avowed, a game set in the Pillars of Eternity setting that looks to be the studios take on The Elder Scrolls. Perhaps they reused some of their ideas?


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