M2 has been known for years for the work the developer does in ensuring classic video games are made available for newer systems, often in improved ways, and their latest work Assault Suits Valken Declassified shows more of why the reputation is well deserved. Joining forces with Rainmaker Productions, to handle the extra content, the overall package is truly exquisite. What we have is a new edition that updates the original Japanese version of the Super Famicom/SNES game, gives it a brand-new translation along with all of the cinematics and story sequences intact and various tweaks to make the game better.

Assault Suits Valken Declassified is not a long game, being around 2 hours long across seven stages, but do not think you will be getting through this game so quickly. Even with the addition of save states, this is a brutally difficult game that merges Shmup action and platforming to create a truly intense experience. It is also important to remember that this is a SNES/Super Famicom game and the game is of its era.

Like the first game in the series, you pilot a mech and this is where the platform elements come into play. The mech feels heavy and you will need to learn how to control it properly in order to get through the game, and this can take a bit of time. It is worth it though, as the game actually encourages playing slower and finding everything.

To be more specific, the level design actually rewards exploration, especially in searching for all the collectible weapons and power chips, as the latter is extremely useful for boss fights and customizing the mech with everything you find is a great part of the game. The boss fights themselves are not particularly long, but they are extremely satisfying to overcome. These are tough fights, and the bosses will summon minions constantly, creating some frustration, but the final victory always feels so good.

Another aspect of the game is the excellent gunplay, which makes the run’ n’ gun/shmup elements stand out more. There are various gun settings available so you can adjust the direction and speed of the guns to your liking, and you can also modify your equipment. This gives the game a bit of a more modern feel, which helps quite a bit.

You will need all the help you can get though, as the stages are brutal and even when they encourage exploration, they also demand precision and memorization. This is never unfair though, as the game is a brilliantly designed title and there are ways around the difficulty, as this new release comes with numerous assistance options and ways to help you if you cannot pass a level. Overall, the design is special here because it is the right balance of exploration and precision combat and flows so well.

Everything looks great here and M2 and Rainmaker productions have made the graphics shine and the various cinematics really pop out. There are a number of graphical filters included such as a Retro Color screen filter, and the banner artwork looks amazing. The music also received a makeover and the new arranged soundtrack is one of the best additions to the game to make the experience shine more.

There are a number of other extras included here, and what is included here is staggering. There is a complete translated recreation of the original Japanese handbook, as well as a gallery of artwork that also has new illustrations as well as the game manual and the CD booklet of the official soundtrack. We are also given a music player to experience the awesome soundtrack and many looks at behind-the-scenes info from those who brought the game to life.

Assault Suits Valken Declassified is a must-play re-release of a classic that makes the original shine in a restored state with many extras. The extras are a welcome addition and the gameplay is truly spectacular, being both brutally challenging and extremely rewarding. This game gets a full recommendation and we cannot say enough good about it.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided

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